Saturday, September 7, 2013

Day 1 - Good Friends, Great Meal

Spring, TX to Abilene, TX  - 336 Miles
September 6, 2013

(Click to Enlarge)
Best laid plans and all that, I was going to leave early to avoid as much of the afternoon heat as I could...didn't work out that way.  I was late picking up drugs (that's prescriptions in geriatric terms) and then I discovered the batteries for my signal booster for my Sirius radio audio were toast.  Ever tried to find AAAA batteries early in the morning?  Going without was an unacceptable option.   Without that booster one can't hear Outlaw Country and the Blue channels at 80 m.p.h.  Thank God for Ace Hardware...they had 'em though it took twenty minutes to find them.  They are itsy-witsy little rascals, you know.

But I got out finally heading up Hwy290 to Hwy36 and then on into Abilene to visit my good friends the Criders.  I never miss an opportunity to stop by and visit with them.

How hot was it?  Near the Crider's home is a large dip down to a small dry creek crossing.  As I crossed the bridge I noticed a very large rattlesnake skin that had, obviously, been shed very recently.  As I wondered how big the thing was now, and where it was, I saw movement on the side of the road.  There, just off the side was the largest rattlesnake I've ever seen; totally nude and sitting in a chaise lounge with an ice-cold coke.  That's how hot it was.  I had little Emma's rapt attention as I related this story to the wonderful little 7-year-old. 

We went to this great little restaurant called the Copper Creek for dinner.  The food was quite good and WT's came with a Poblano Pepper Mac and Cheese that is absolutely to die for.  I'm going to figure out that recipe when I get home...cardiologist be damned.


  1. Did you see the Wyoming Motel in Cheyenne? A hoot of a place.
    Hope you are heading WNW to Shoshone through Wind River Canyon to Thermopolis. That is one of my all time favorite rides.

  2. I've made that ride. I got my favorite t-shirt on the Wind River reservation. On one side it says: "P.I.T.A. People Eating Tasty Animals." On the other (my favorite): "All God's Creatures Look Best Next to the Mashed Potatoes and Gravy."

  3. Having experienced riding some with you in rattlesnake country I might have thought you would point your front tire at it...screech a little while lifting your boots off the highway pegs and just cut that sucker right in half leaving two parts of snake on the highway. Maybe you're just getting a little older Jer..

  4. You are, of course, referring to that ride we had in the Great Basin where the snakes were crawling up on the road for the heat toward sundown. I don't know if I cut him in half, or just pissed him off, but I wasn't waiting around to find out.
