Thursday, September 5, 2013

Heading Out Again

Betsy and I are pulling out in the morning for points west.  Current plans are to bear northwestward ultimately to Montana, visiting scenic and historic sites en route.  I hopefully plan to have a lot of pictures and commentary, assuming, of course, I can stay awake long enough to provide updates.


  1. well brother be safe on the road and remember bend don't break keep the rubber down not the Blubber down. Keep us updated and posted with any new sites ans trivia facts you find on your trip.

  2. "...the Blubber down"?? You're a hard mad, Wesley.

  3. Wouldn't it be easier if you started from a better location near the cool stuff? I just finished a Glacier, Waterton, Banff, Glacier, Yellowstone, Teton loop myself. Sucks to have to come back to work though.


  4. If you head back south after Glacier down the west side try route 83. A big valley with miles and miles of trees, mountains, and lakes. You can take back roads all the way to Yellowstone from there.
